Solar Technology at ElectroFlip

Do you remember a time when solar or wind technology was considered a part of the fringe? Well, we’ve reached a tipping point because clean energy technology is now very much a part of the mainstream. It may be a shame that it took fears about Global Warming to make this happen, but better late than never. New money is pouring into research departments to develop new and more efficient clean energy technology.

We have heard of research at Cal Tech, for example, that has helped develop solar paneling that can be added to cell phones. However, that technology is not being incorporated into iPhones or other cellular technology, so at ElectroFlip we offer the next best thing. The Solio Magnesium Solar Hybrid Multi-Device Charger is a separate unit, about the size of a cellphone when folded up, that can charge a cell phone, iPod, or other digital device in as little as an hour.

This transcends merely “neat” into truly vital as we can find out from this guide by Ryder White. Imagine if you’re traveling – either in the wilderness or even the streets of a foreign city. Charging a device through an outlet – which may be incompatible if you’re overseas – can be difficult if you’re in an unfamiliar location. The solar charger is rugged so you can take it camping, and it’s lightweight. Best of all, it’s good for the environment, as you won’t need to plug into the electrical grid to get your power. Carting along batteries for a digital camera and other electronic gadgets can be a hassle, so the Solio charger is one of the most useful green energy gadgets to come on the market.

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