Keeping Your Home Safer for Seniors the Smart Way on a Budget

elderly having fun

More and more people are opting to keep their seniors at home. While this helps keep them close to the memories they cherish and their loved one, it could become an extra burden to the children. Juggling work and checking up on your seniors could be frustrating. It is time-consuming and you never know when you will worry yourself sick just because your grandma was taking a nap and didn’t hear the phone ring.

The solution would be using a blend of home automation and personal awareness gadgets that will actively tell you what is going on whenever you are away. Here are a couple of simple yet effective gadgets categories to try out when on a tight budget.

Smart Cameras

A wireless security camera system that records and automatically saves footage to a PC would do just fine. Install a couple of these cameras at strategic points. Configuring the cameras such that they save their footage to a free cloud storage folder, for instance a Dropbox or Google Drive folder, will give you access to the latest footage from your security cameras for home use.

A smoke detector

Smoke detectors are a great way to detecting fires long before they begin. This device will not only help evacuate early whilst there is time but also trigger a warning system that will alert your beloved in advance. Our seniors mightn’t be as fast as we are. The smoke detector will buy them the extra minutes they need to evacuate in peace.

GPS trackers

A GPS tracker will give you active feedback on your senior’s whereabouts. If they are occasionally active and tend to leave the house, it will tell you when they left the house and what they are up to. You could settle for either an in-person tracker or a GPS car tracker depending on what works best for you.

Multipurpose cameras

Medication and diet is very important to your senior’s health. You need a way of ensuring that they are taking their medication at the right time and eating the right foods. Fancy gadgets like an intelligent medication can or a smart fridge will help you keep track of this. However, since we are on a budget, why not double up the kitchen camera as a diet-monitoring tool. It will record their kitchen whereabouts and the foods he or she eats.

Get them a pet, with a tracker

Pets are a perfect companion. They are intelligent and helpful. Getting one for your grandpa will not only give him a companion he can talk to but also give you a place to attach a GPS tracker for pet or a tiny camera. This will give you a fallback plan in case all the other appliances work – assuming the pet never leaves his side.

Inasmuch as there are many geeky gadgets to help keep your elderly safe in the market, the convenience and efficiency they bring to your life depends on how well you collaborate with them. Picking a couple of sensors and cameras on ElectroFlip and coupling it with constant love and frequent visits might be all you need to keep them safe.

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